De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Industry caught in carbon ‘smokescreen’
Companies and individuals rushing to go green have been spending millions on “carbon credit” projects that yield few if any environmental benefits

Seems true. If a person wanted to be carbon neutral tne simply grow something. Anythings will do. Trees I planted 30 years ago are now doing the job for me. But I am careful about buying things in all the fancy packaging-just garbarge.
Wonder if anyone has checked out Gore's little company?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Newsom pledges to make SF a sanctuary for illegal immigrants
We are a sanctuary city, make no mistake about it."

I feel all federal money(mine especially) should be stopped. If criminals are the only thing the city is interested in, then let them pay the bills.
He complains the children are being hurt, every criminal hurts their children that is nothing new. If the mayor does not want children hurt then he needs to get the criminals out of town.
Since rumor has it the number of children has fallen in recent years-he may be just looking for to keep his federal money and does not care who he hurts. hummmmm..............

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sometimes the world goes nuts

It seems this is one of those days. Mass murder at a university. I am not surprised by it. Universities all over are showing how progressive they can be and that means - no rules-. Funny how the no rules part comes back.
The weather has done everything in its power to show us that global warming just is not quite happening.
The democrats are vacationing on tax payer dollars like there is no tomorrow and think the vacations will never end. Sorry, the dollars will end. Oh yeah then they will just raise taxes. Sorry, forgot about the tax till we have it all sydrome.
Hatred rules the music and media industries. Now you can sing anything you want. Just don't do it without musical noise in back. That is according the NC students.
Women do not notice that they are being placed lower than the family dog. Between hip/hop and religion the female of the species is about to become extinct. Wonder what the guys will do then-at least the last generation.

As US tax rates drop, government's reach grows

As US tax rates drop, government's reach grows
Slightly over half of all Americans – 52.6 percent – now receive significant income from government programs, according to an analysis by Gary Shilling, an economist in Springfield, N.J.

Now just how long do you think the rest of us can keep this up. Disaster of the highest order will soon be here.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

L.A. Police Sued Over Immigrant Policy

L.A. Police Sued Over Immigrant Policy

Now lets see if this LIBERAL court has the guts to overthrow a federal law. Could be interesting.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Why So Gloomy

This scientest can say goodbuy to his paycheck. The movement is on to get rid of all nonbeleivers.
OK, so I am on the same list as he is.
I think we should take care of the earth by planting things and watching what we throw down. Treat her as if it were your home and guests are coming. But mother earth has a mind of her own and we are just little visitors on the surface so don't get to angry if she decides to do something a little antihuman.

Elizabeth Edwards afraid of neighbor
Well now a real open minded person here. Why doesn't she just have her husband tell the ghosts he knows to go get his neighbor. I bet this is a real earth movement thing. Big mansion, lots of money, hates neighbors. Sounds like a democrat to me.

Friday, April 06, 2007

HIV chef who recklessly infected his lover is jailed for nine years
If all AIDS people were forced to tell anyone they might infect that would stop the spread. The AIDS group sounds like it is afraid people might become responsible and not give others their deseases. Of course if that happens then we won't need the AIDS groups and they might have to go out and earn a living like the rest of us.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007,,30200-1258762,00.html?f=rss,,30200-1258762,00.html?f=rss
Thousands of Aids and HIV patients are risking their lives by refusing medication in favour of holy water, Sky News can reveal.
The controversial treatment is offered by a church in Ethiopia which claims to have cured hundreds of believers.
Sky News correspondent Ian Woods reports on the practice doctors in the country say is extremely dangerous:
"It was a scene which reminded me of the holocaust.
Naked men, women and children, some of them in chains to prevent them escaping, cower in front of the men in charge in a dimly-lit room in the church of St Mary on Mount Entoto.

Considering what the 'scientific community' does to patients, I really don't see this as bad. They have hair, can eat food, have not destroyed other organs-big step up from the 'scientific community'.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Female ex-candidate to 'protect' Hillary Clinton

The only thing that can stop Hillary becoming the next president would be smears and dirty tricks," said Geraldine Ferraro

If this is the best she can find---
The only thing that will stop Hillary from becoming president is (I hope you have a couple of hours)
Lesibans don't like men or women
Total dictator mentality.
Not a kind bone in her boddy
Not enough courage to get rid of a cheating husband-true coward
Muslims will want to kill her.
Hates military, police and any other form of authority SHE can not command.
Total government control freak, again total government control freak, and just in case you missed it-TOTAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL FREAK.