De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Charities Exert Political Influence

Charities Exert Political Influence,2933,151996,00.html

'many of America's biggest charities are actually trusts more concerned with politics than people.'

Is anyone really suprised at this? This has been known for decades. Charity begins at home and 'I want my way' has always been the moto of most 'charities'.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die with dignity

The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die with dignity

Well said, why does anyone want the government telling us when we can live or die? Beyond me why this person is special and everyone else it not even important.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds

College Faculties A Most Liberal Lot, Study Finds

The researchers say that liberals, men and non-regular churchgoers are more likely to be teaching at top schools, while conservatives, women and more religious faculty are more likely to be relegated to lower-tier colleges and universities.

Now about that 'liberal' position. How liberal is it to exclude the women? The main belief is really-help myself and h@#$ with everyone else. Whatever gets ME the most is what I believe in today. No wonder the work ethic is gone.

Monday, March 28, 2005

States Ponder Lessons Learned From Schiavo

States Ponder Lessons Learned From Schiavo,2933,151544,00.html

Sen. Donnie Trotter of Illinois, a long-time advocate for public health issues. "The (Schiavo) case itself, I truly believed, should have been determined by the courts."

This is another case of 'estate planning' is just a way to get a little extra income for lawyers. Courts will do as they wish with 'you' when given the smallest excuse. Imagine the legal fees, courts fees and just who really 'won'.

We're addicted to welfare, er, Social Security

Unfortunately you must become a member to read this article, but it is free, just a bunch of ads.
We're addicted to welfare, er, Social SecurityBy Paul Samuelson, Washington Post columnist
'We are a nation of closet welfare junkies, which helps explain why we can't have an honest Social Security debate. Social Security and Medicare are our biggest welfare programs, but because Americans regard ``welfare'' as shameful, we've found other labels for them. We call them ``social insurance'' or ``entitlements.'' Anything but welfare. Democrats and Republicans alike embrace the deception. No one wants to upset older voters. Well, if you can't call something by its real name, you can't discuss it honestly.'

I agree, I have been saying this since I was old enought to hear the words. This is a shame on people who claim to be free. No one can be free if the government controls your future and it does with every SS check control the people.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Fla. officials' attempt, fail to seize Schiavo

This is an attempt at vote getting-nothing more-nothing less.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Appeals Court Upholds Soros Conviction

Appeals Court Upholds Soros Conviction

He later made a fortune on foreign exchange markets and was criticized in some quarters for speculating on, and arguably encouraging, the collapse of Asian currencies in the late 1990s.

This is the person who owns the democrat party? Now they make sense.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Social Security Said to Go Broke in 2041

Social Security Said to Go Broke in 2041

For Medicare, the threshold when benefits exceed program income occurred last year.

I wonder why the democrats want to delay reforming the program? Seems that what everyone knows is that government entitlements are costly circle that eventually come with a big bill for tax payers. Since NAFTA, the high paying manufacturing jobs are gone and so who is going to pay the bill?

Monday, March 21, 2005

NJ Democrat calls names and you wonder why I never joined a political party!

Cheney campaigns for Social Security reform with key House ally

In a conference call with reporters Monday, Sen. John Corzine, D-NJ, one of the leading opponents of the president's plan, said Cheney had "a virtual career of disdain for Social Security," and compared his appearances to sending Saddam Hussein to campaign for democracy in Iraq.

Now why do you call names? Because you are not smart enough to discuss the issue.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Civil Rights Panel or Political favors?

Ex-Member Questions Rights Panel's Mission,2933,150907,00.html

No independent audit has ever been conducted on the $9 million-a-year government agency.

It has no enforcement powers and can only draft reports and subpoena witnesses to attend hearings, he noted.

This is one way to cut the deficit. Could save another $9 million a year. Why is this group still around? To hand out favors to supporters and make the taxpayer foot the bill.

Friday, March 18, 2005

No Stopping Global Warming, Studies Predict

No Stopping Global Warming, Studies Predict

"We found that just based on the ingredients that have already been put into the atmosphere in the 20th century, we already are committed to another half a degree (0.5 degree C or 0.9 degree F) of global warming," Meehl said.
"That's about what we saw in the 20th century. We are already committed to as much climate change in the 21st century as we saw in the 20th century."

All this time, money and natural resources heating up the earth to tell us that the climate changed half a degree in 100 years? Does this sound like an emergency issue? NO How about these researchers spending some time on something worthwhile like, counting ants in an anthill.

H. Ross Perot, the U.S. needs you

Another will come and he/she will have the people needed to change our country.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Sherrod Brown, Ohio SS hype

I would like to comment on our representatives point of view and how he got lost on the way to reality.

Congressman Brown believes that two principles should guide Social Security Reform:
To secure the program's long-term solvency.
This is impossible. When seniors or retirees out number workers, just what is his solution? Raise the age to 92 or cut the benefits? Never admit the money is gone and will not come back.
To preserve the program's role as a financial safety net for all Americans
No governement can repserve the financial status of its citizens. This is a hallmark of the communist belief. Share and share alike, except the only sharing is from the citizens to the government-not the other way around.
This means Social Security must continue to provide a guaranteed level of benefits sufficient to meet retirees' basic needs. Privatization threatens these principles and has drawn criticism from groups like the Alliance for retired Americans and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
The current level of benefits is far below what is 'basic', people can not live on SS. And the only groups fighting to hold on to it make money from it. Let me know when a group that will not profit from keeping the system speaks up.
The most obvious threat posed by privatization is through the diversion of future revenues away from the Trust Fund and to the stock market. This move would undermine the traditional Social Security program, removing a vital safety net for many Americans.
First, the funds are not growing on trees. The funds BELONG to the workers.
Another danger of privatization is that the stock market carries with it a greater risk. Stock prices can fluctuate wildly, as in the case of Enron, where the share price dropped from $85 to $1 in less than a year. The current Social Security financing system, based on government bonds, gives a predictable income making it easier to insure continued solvency.
I am not sure how the word 'solvency' got linked up with SS. There is not fund, the money goes into the government pocket and is spent years before it is even in Washington(deficiet)
Privatization may also cause a conflict of interests for federal officials. If significant social security investments were made in a company, like Enron, which are later investigated by federal authorities the federal agents the investigation may be impaired by consideration of the effect on share price.
No the reverse it true. The government should then hold companies to the absolute letter of the law. Instead investigation is only held to the companies that are not playing with elected officials correctly.
This issue is of particular importance to women whose Social Security benefits are already lower than men's benefits, due to their lower earning levels (women still earn only 70 cents to every dollar men earn for similar work) and years spent in the work force (women are out of the work force more often and hold part time jobs due to childbearing).
Benefits are lower because congress made it so. Not that complicated. Congress writes the laws for SS and has becided the women are second class and should be treated as such.


White Students Walk Out At Local Catholic School

I have often said, felt and advocated that most bigotry comes from government officials. This is another case in point. How do we bring trouble based on race? Well a government official gives a speech telling people they are bigots. Now whether they really are or not is not the question. The question is how to get something going so that we can make the news. From her speech it seems the bigot is her and she is the one that 'hates' anyone not of her 'race'.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Terrorist Plans

US Report Lists Possibilities for Terrorist Attacks and Likely Toll By ERIC LIPTON

How about the military protecting our boarders and then none of this would be necessary to plan. I under stand NAFTA did away with our boarders, but now it is getting ridiculous!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

EPA & Mercury

EPA Orders Mercury Pollution Cuts,2933,150527,00.html

Now this is funny. The EPA is so worried about mercury from power plants. Wow, hard to argue with getting mercury out of the air. Wonder why they didn't think in those terms when they endorsed NAFTA? Seems adding poison to our food is OK, just don't poison the air. Much of our food is grown offshore now and countries, like Mexico, allow the use of poisons or chemicals ban in the US. So while you enjoy the DDT in your dinner, your air will have less mercury.
I am amazed at the number of people that think the EPA cares about the environment. All the manufacturing and farms that pollute the air in other countries. Do people really think bad air over there somewhere is going to stay there? Is there some kind of fence that keeps the air from moving around the world? Last I heard air just goes where it wants.

Fiction scares Cardinal

Top Cardinal Blasts 'Da Vinci Code' as 'Cheap Lies'

The book is a very good work of fiction. If the church has time to worry about a fiction book, then the cardinal needs to start spending more time helping his followers. In fact if he was doing his job, he wouldn't have time to even mention, let alone read and comment on this book.

The Catholic church has better spend its time reading the new International version of the Bible and start talking about it. No more saints. Or the church could start really cleaning its house so more people have a reason to remain in the congregation.

Opec and oil prices

Opec says there is nothing they can do about the gas prices and they are correct. Has anyone besides me noticed that oil companies are buying/selling themselves down to a precious few ccompanies?
No matter what name you see on the local gas station, they are all part of one of the few big boys.
The big boys want to drill in smell 'checks' flying around Wasington at record speed. And we have to pay for those checks.
Sounds like a 'capitalist economy' to me.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Well it seems we really are concerned with another 9/11 0ccurring. Florida now has found illegals working in a nuc facility. Wonder why the citizens can be monitored but not the illegals?