De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Exxon Mobil, Shell Post Record Profits

Exxon Mobil, Shell Post Record Profits
Exxon becoming the first U.S. company ever to ring up quarterly sales of $100 billion.

OK, now tell me again why gas and plastics are so high priced. Gouging, yup that's it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq

U.S. Military Deaths Reach 2,000 in Iraq
The grim milestone was reached at a time of growing disenchantment over the war among the American public toward a conflict that was launched to punish Iraqi President Saddam Hussein for his alleged weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found.

OK, I will check out this information when the press gets excited about the 19000+ that died in the US at the hands of others. Wonder why the media just doesn't care? Could this be another of the POLITICAL things? It is well known that the MEDIA does not care one bit what happens to people unless they can tie it to politics. Like most people, I just don't care what they say and NEVER SPEND ONE DIME to find out what they are saying. Never send good money after a bad cause-current MEDIA.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Bond Commission approves $45 million for construction work

Bond Commission approves $45 million for construction work
As Louisiana officials plead for federal hurricane relief aid, a state money panel agreed Thursday to spend nearly $45 million on construction projects ranging from health labs and water wells to a sports complex and livestock facilities.

I suppose that the governor and her staff expect ME to rebuild her state while she just goes around spending money like a mad woman. Sorry, I do not want to donate to a horse arena or any project that is below sea level. Show why the state failed to get their people out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


PETA and animals.
According to the police at least 80 animals were found killed and dumped. Jax seems to think that is OK to do. I would have to live a million life times to acheive the record of two PETA employees.

Want to find people who take care of animals? Want to do it without raising MONEY? Then look to those of us who have a house full of animals and DO NOT ask for MONEY. PETA is just and organization out to get MONEY and ATTENTION for a select few while the rest of us do what is really right for the animals of this planet.

Monday, October 17, 2005

PETA workers face 25 felony counts in North Carolina

PETA workers face 25 felony counts in North Carolina
At least 80 animals were found

OK, now how about talking about being hypocrites to the highest degree. More news keeps coming out about this group. Just another money maker, nothing more.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Google Earmarks $265 Million for Charity and Social Causes

Google Earmarks $265 Million for Charity and Social Causes
Sheryl Sandberg, a Google vice president for sales who is also coordinating the foundation and related programs, said the company would focus its charitable efforts in two areas: global poverty, and energy and the environment. She said the two priorities were selected by Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Now just what does that mean since they were big supporters of Kerry and his wife uses terrible chemicals in her companies. Is Heinz going to start taking care of the environment? Is Google going to stop donating to her chemical farms? I am confused, you can not protect the environment and dump millions of tons of chemcials on the ground. So I wonder which it is going to be?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Republicans in Congress Propose Budget Cuts to Fund Storm Relief

Republicans in Congress Propose Budget Cuts to Fund Storm Relief

The solution is simple. Do not pay for any rebuilding below sea level-levees, building, roads, anything. The people were mostly on welfare and that will not change. Send them where government housing is in surplus and that is that. No big deal.

David Frost joins al-Jazeera TV

David Frost joins al-Jazeera TV

Boy do I know a whole bunch that should join him!!!!!!