De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

High Court Sides With Inmates on Religion

High Court Sides With Inmates on Religion
OK now we MUST allow ALL religions equal rights. That is the way is should have been anyway.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

A Matter Of Public Record

A Matter Of Public Record

Anymore questions about why we have identity theift?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Child Population Dwindles in San Francisco

Child Population Dwindles in San Francisco
Family housing in the city is especially scarce and expensive. A two-bedroom, 1,000-square-foot starter home is considered a bargain at $760,000.
San Francisco's large gay population — estimated at 20 percent by the city Public Health Department — is thought to be one factor,

Housing costs? That should be mansion homes.
Nature created this group to decrease population. It is a sign of too many people.

FBI asks US Congress for power to seize documents

FBI asks US Congress for power to seize documents
Committee chairman, Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts, noted that other government agencies already had subpoena power to investigate matters such as child pornography, drug investigations and medical malpractice. He said it made little sense to deny those same powers to the FBI to investigate terrorism or keep track of foreign intelligence agents.

So much for privacy, did anyone think THIS government really wanted citizens to have ANY freedom?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

FBI subpoena records without permission from a judge or grand jury.

FBI subpoena records without permission from a judge or grand jury.

Has anyone ever heard of a piece of paper called the Constitution? No? Is the king of England back in charge? Yes.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Jane Fonda Film Banned From Ky. Theaters

Jane Fonda Film Banned From Ky. Theaters

Putting your money where your mouth is! Good Man, just what every American needs to do!!!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Union protests over outsourced news

Union protests over outsourced news,0,4212836,print.story?coll=ny-business-headlines

Now if I remember correctly, and I do, this was part of the group that insisted on NAFTA and GATT and now TAFTA. Wonder why they are surprised when it going into effect......strange.



Now lets just say I did something and got 15 plus people killed, wonder how long I would be allowed to walk the streets? I think it is something to do with creating(on purpose) a riot that harms(kills) people.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Oddly, Hillary and, Yes, Newt Agree to Agree

Oddly, Hillary and, Yes, Newt Agree to Agree

The Two people on this planet I will never support in any way. A lesbian and a cheater. No moral issues here, neither knows the meaning of the word

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona

Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona
that arrests were "not to go up" along the 23-mile section of border that the volunteers monitored to protest illegal immigration.

Sounds as if the Bushes are following NAFTA. No boarders.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Voinovich Slams Bolton but OKs Senate Vote

Voinovich Slams Bolton but OKs Senate Vote

Another black eye for Ohio. Can we ever get rid of this guy?


Rep. David Obey, D-Wis., and Rep. John D. Dingell, D-Mich

Now why would they object to a different point of view, I thought this was the new progressive party..... open to new ideas, no insulting anyone for any reason, give all the working people's money to the government(say they are helping the poor), you know the new way of adancing our society. ;)

Friday, May 06, 2005

Clear skies end global dimming

Clear skies end global dimming
Reductions in industrial emissions in many countries, along with the use of particulate filters for car exhausts and smoke stacks, seem to have reduced the amount of dirt in the atmosphere and made the sky more transparent.
That sounds like very good news. But the researchers say that more solar energy arriving on the ground will also make the surface warmer, and this may add to the problems of global warming.
Are scientests really necessay? They bitch when people dirty the air and they bitch when people clean the air.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

14 Lawmakers Now Under Scrutiny In Travel Scandal

14 Lawmakers Now Under Scrutiny In Travel Scandal
But House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday that Democrats cannot be considered in the same category as Republicans when it comes to ethics problems.

I can't see the difference, can anyone else?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

The global locomotive loses steam

U.S. asks for more data on travelers

U.S. asks for more data on travelers
Full names, birth dates sought to screen fliers

Now just who in their right mind would think a terrorist would give his/her real name to any booking agency. Did the last batch? Didn't some of them have numerous drivers licenses and all kinds of names and birthdays?

House Dems Proposing Health Care Agenda

House Dems Proposing Health Care Agenda;_ylt=A86. I2XvCHlCcGUBew2yFz4D;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
The material contained no indication of the cost of the proposals or how Pelosi and other Democratic leaders would propose paying for them. Many Democrats advocate rolling back tax cuts that Congress has passed in recent years that benefit the wealthy and spending the money on social programs or using it to reduce the deficit.

Of course the dems want to get rid of any tax cuts, they want all the money except their money.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Disarray as Iraq's new government is sworn in

Disarray as Iraq's new government is sworn in

Doesn't this sound just like our government? Try getting someone appointed and watch the fireworks. The Iraqs have learned well from our government on how to not govern, just grab the bucks and run.

Idol- cheating?

ABCNEWS claims AMERICAN IDOL judge Paula Abdul had an 'intensive relationship' with one of the contestants, Cory Clark, and 'coached' him on his performances... Abdul and FOX have vowed legal action against ABC if the report airs.... MORE

Is there really anyone dumb enough to think any of the socalled reality shows are NOT rigged? I don't think I know anyone stupid enough to buy into the 'honesty' factor.