De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Monday, March 28, 2005

We're addicted to welfare, er, Social Security

Unfortunately you must become a member to read this article, but it is free, just a bunch of ads.
We're addicted to welfare, er, Social SecurityBy Paul Samuelson, Washington Post columnist
'We are a nation of closet welfare junkies, which helps explain why we can't have an honest Social Security debate. Social Security and Medicare are our biggest welfare programs, but because Americans regard ``welfare'' as shameful, we've found other labels for them. We call them ``social insurance'' or ``entitlements.'' Anything but welfare. Democrats and Republicans alike embrace the deception. No one wants to upset older voters. Well, if you can't call something by its real name, you can't discuss it honestly.'

I agree, I have been saying this since I was old enought to hear the words. This is a shame on people who claim to be free. No one can be free if the government controls your future and it does with every SS check control the people.


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