De's Shop

A little political opinion from the middle with a little common sense added to spice it up.

Location: Uniontown, OHIO, United States

I own a small gift shop that specializes in Teddy Bears. We also sell on the web at

Monday, April 16, 2007

Sometimes the world goes nuts

It seems this is one of those days. Mass murder at a university. I am not surprised by it. Universities all over are showing how progressive they can be and that means - no rules-. Funny how the no rules part comes back.
The weather has done everything in its power to show us that global warming just is not quite happening.
The democrats are vacationing on tax payer dollars like there is no tomorrow and think the vacations will never end. Sorry, the dollars will end. Oh yeah then they will just raise taxes. Sorry, forgot about the tax till we have it all sydrome.
Hatred rules the music and media industries. Now you can sing anything you want. Just don't do it without musical noise in back. That is according the NC students.
Women do not notice that they are being placed lower than the family dog. Between hip/hop and religion the female of the species is about to become extinct. Wonder what the guys will do then-at least the last generation.


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